Installing NetCloak with WebTen
Installing the NetCloak Plug-In
- Copy the "NetCloak Plug-In" file from the "NetCloak 2.5" folder to the
"Plug-Ins" folder in the same folder as the WebTen application.
- Copy the "NetCloak.acgi" application into
the same folder as the WebTen application (not the "Plug-Ins" folder).
You will need the CGI to set configuration and other NetCloak settings.
- Launch WebTen.
If you want to process all ".html" files through NetCloak, also follow these steps:
- Launch your web browser if it is not already running.
- Access your server's "Administration Server" home page (at
"http://www.yourserver.com/webten_admin") via your browser.
- Click "Action Handlers".
- In the table that appears, see if the first column contains an action named "CLOAK_PI".
If not, enter "CLOAK_PI" in the empty, editable cell in the first column ("Actions"),
and leave the second column, "Action Handler", empty.
- Click "Save Handlers".
- Click "MIME Extensions".
- In the "User-Defined MIME Extensions" table that appears, enter ".html" in the first
column, "text/html" in the second column, and pick "CLOAK_PI" from the popup menu in the third column.
- Click "Save MIME Extensions".
Installing the NetCloak CGI
- Copy the "NetCloak.acgi" from the "NetCloak 2.5" folder
to the "cgi-bin" folder in the same folder as the WebTen application.
- Double-click the "NetCloak.acgi" application to launch it. Starting NetCloak by
double-clicking on it is not required, as the Web server will
automatically start it as needed. However, starting by hand is
recommended to avoid possible start-up errors (like out of memory
- Launch WebTen.
- Launch your web browser if it is not already running.
- Access your server's "Administration Server" home page (at
"http://www.yourserver.com/webten_admin") via your browser.
- Click "Action Handlers".
- In the table that appears, enter "CLOAK" in the empty, editable cell in the first column
("Actions"), and enter "/cgi-bin/NetCloak.acgi" in the second column, "Action Handler".
- Click "Save Handlers".
- Click "MIME Extensions".
- In the "User-Defined MIME Extensions" table that appears, enter ".nclk" in the first
column, "text/html" in the second column, and pick "CLOAK" from the popup menu in the third column.
- Click "Save MIME Extensions".
If you want to process all ".html" files through NetCloak, also follow these steps:
- In the "User-Defined MIME Extensions" table that appears, enter ".html" in the first
column, "text/html" in the second column, and pick "CLOAK" from the popup menu in the third column.
- Click "Save MIME Extensions".
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